Everybody loves to talk about “getting healthy” or making a lifestyle change. This may be cliche, but actions most definitely speak louder than words. Most of us know about the basics: Eat healthy foods & exercise. However, how many of us actually stick to the lifestyle changes we aspire to achieve? I will be the first to admit that it is far from an easy task.
With all of the fad diets and trends circulating constantly, it’s nearly impossible to know which path to take. I found myself researching to the point that I would give up before I even started. I just looked in the mirror each day – disappointed. Not only did I not love the way I looked, but more than anything I just did not feel healthy. I knew I needed to make some changes and contemplated starting with a detox. Unfortunately, I knew virtually nothing about detoxing and what that entailed. After a bit of research, I dove head first into the Metagenics Clear Change 10-Day Detoxification. What did I get myself into?
Before officially getting started, I made the dreaded Walmart trip to stock up on everything I thought I would need for my upcoming detox. Emphasis on thought – I definitely overspent. Sometimes more is too much, especially when it comes to fresh ingredients. Although, I started feeling healthier the second I started shopping. I looked at my buggy and I saw apples, cauliflower, & hummus instead of chocolate chip cookies & ice cream. Step 1 completed.

The day is here. It is day 1 of detox and nothing is going to get me down! I said this as I rolled out of bed with the worst sinus headache & cough I could have imagined. Maybe I did not start on the best day, but I was determined to push through. Day 1 on the detox started to restrict my diet, which was still quite lenient and was far from the most difficult portion of my day. I would have to say the combination of sinus headache and caffeine withdrawal had to be the worst. After working at Starbucks for 5 years, saying I had a slight caffeine addiction is an understatement. Day 1 definitely proved this to be true. Let’s just say I made it though.
Day 2 was a brand new story. While my sinuses and cough were still atrocious, I felt 1000x better than I did the day before. The caffeine headaches started to become less noticeable, but I did catch myself growing tired throughout the day. My body was confused about where my energy source was at. I knew this was part of the plan and it would only get better from here – hopefully. I began adding supplementation into my diet plan to aid in the detoxification process. One of my goals through the detox was to lose a bit of weight, which I knew wasn’t to be expected. However, I wanted to make the detox the start of a lifestyle change, so instead of adding everything I could into my shakes, I decided to do nothing but water. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. I started to really gain confidence on day 2 that I could complete this detox. I spent this night preparing for day 3 in anticipation of the restrictive diet coming up.
When I rolled out of bed on day 3 I could feel such a difference in the way I felt. I felt well rested, finally! Waking up with this newfound confidence and energy is exactly what I needed as I eliminated a few more food groups from my diet. I caught myself eating quite a lot on day 3. Everything was much healthier than my average diet though. One of my favorite meals was this baked salmon in foil! As far as energy levels go, it was much better than days 1 and 2. Day 4 followed a similar upward trend. I spent most of the day deep cleaning the house with all this genuine energy I had found. By keeping myself busy for the greater portion of the day, I did not seem to eat nearly as many snacks throughout the day while feeling full still.
I knew going into the detox that days 5-7 are typically the most challenging days. Food restrictions are high & supplementation is increased nearly double. Luckily, I actually really enjoyed the food options I had to choose from. I tried to eat at home as much as I could but because I am a creature of habit, I ended up at Ironwood Grill more often than I care to admit. The grilled salmon and steamed broccoli (no butter on anything) never gets old. Finding different options to fit into my detox diet was easily attainable here though and the staff was always so accommodating to my needs. Going out to restaurants like I was accustomed to doing made the detox feel less intimidating. Over these 3 days I had so much natural energy & truly started to see what the detox was intended to do. My overall feeling about myself skyrocketed from pre-detox. I could see the end approaching and as excited as I was to start adding food back into my diet, I knew I could not go back to the lifestyle I had been living.
Day 8 was another step in the right direction. The number of times my coworkers told me “You look so good!” or “You just seem genuinely happy and so full of energy” sent me over the moon. I wasn’t sure if they just wanted to hype me up or not, but either way I felt the same way about myself. That’s what really matters! I felt so good on day 8 that I started adding some light exercise into my daily routine. I did not want to over exert myself while trying to detox at the same time. I knew this would be a positive direction to get into a daily habit after the detox is completed.
As the detox winds down and day 9 approaches, it is not uncommon for me to wake up with a smile. Ok, after a few minutes of hitting the snooze and rinsing my face with some cold water, then I’m smiling. I genuinely feel good and full of energy. While my diet is still somewhat restricted, finding meals has become second nature. Many of the food groups I cut out through the detox feel like things I could easily live without indefinitely. When one of my coworkers asked me, what is one food that I miss the most, it was hard to come up with one. I haven’t been too unhappy with my eating habits throughout the detox and do not plan to change too many eating habits once the detox has ended.
The final day of detox is here. I can start adding food back into my diet slowly but surely. Overall, I feel happy, refreshed, and cleansed! I am so excited to see where this change in diet and routine lead me. Anyone who feels sluggish constantly or like your health choices are keeping you from your hot girl summer goals, a detox may be right for you. Of course, be sure that the detox you commit to is healthy for your body like the Metagenics Clear Change. To gain newfound energy and lifestyle choices in 10 days is incredible! Ten out of ten, would recommend! Oh, and did I mention that I lost 10 pounds?