During your appointments, our skilled physical therapist starts with a thorough pelvic floor exam. Then, she walks you through various exercises meant to strengthen your muscles and align your ligaments and tissues. To help combat urinary incontinence, the pelvic floor must be able to resist stress, urge, and overflow leakage. If you have recently gone through childbirth or are in your later life stages, your treatment should go beyond mere kegels and managing your fluid intake. We aim to keep these muscles trained for as long as possible for maximum comfort.
Many people like you seek out a physical therapist for sexual health benefits. In these cases, we can use many of the same techniques to help build up stronger pelvic thickness. This can help your body produce more lubrication during arousal to enhance your pleasure and signal your responsiveness to your partner.
No matter what your reasoning for visiting, our pelvic floor physical therapy in Texarkana can greatly improve your urinary and sexual function. Our patients are able to customize their treatments with additional methods for thickening the vaginal tissue. Whether you’re looking for active relief from incontinence or wanting to prevent it in the future, we have your back.