Spring is an amazing time of year. As the trees and flowers bloom we get a ReNewed sense of excitement. It’s a time to clean out, re-group and focus on your plans for the summer and the end of the year. Typically we all decide…”Let’s get ready for swimsuit season” or “I want to look HOT for the holidays”! With that being said, we know you are interested in looking your best and we have responded.
Our survey determining the need and interest in body sculpting and targeted fat reduction showed YOU WANT IT!! You would like for the procedure to be quick and comfortable without a lot of down time and pain. You would prefer a 1 time treatment but would consider multiple treatments if necessary. We have been watching the body sculpting market for about 3 years. We have not felt compelled to bring this service to our area because we were not convinced the available technology at that time would offer our patients the results they expect from ReNew. Well NOW WE ARE. We are pleased to announce that we will be offering SculpSure. SculpSure is a non-invasive system for reduction of stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen and love handles. This 25 minute procedure destroys 24% of treated fat cells without surgery. SculpSure is ideal for people with trouble spots,particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise. The research shows a 90% patient satisfaction rate.
Over the next few weeks we will be training, treating staff (YAHOO) and developing our own before and after photos. Our patients are the same as us…we try to eat well, work out, practice moderation and we still have areas of our body we cannot change. Well guess what…this apple is about to become an….well I guess it will be an apple with a flat tummy! I love this job!!