Do you need a Make-Under? 5 makeup tricks for people that remember the birth of hip-hop, ie. over 40

Do you need a Make-Under? 5 makeup tricks for people that remember the birth of hip-hop, ie. over 40.

I am a fan of make-up vloggers, tik-tockers and youtubers. It is fun to me to watch their techniques, brushes, and palettes, I can spend hours doing this. I always walk away wanting to try something new. However, I’ve also learned that most of the popular influencers are YOUNG!! Their skin is the ideal tone and texture and with proper lighting, they are able to transform themselves into supermodels in the privacy of their own bathrooms. So, when this 53-year-old beauty and fashion fan attempts some of their recommendations, I am reminded of a funny photo of Amy Schumar trying to contour her face after watching one of these video tutorials.

Although I’m no makeup artist, I’ve worked in a medical spa for 13 years and have learned a few tricks that can enhance the nice things about a woman’s face, as well as distract from any imperfections that bother us as we age. Below are a few tricks I find really help me have a complete look without working too hard.

  1. Find a foundation that complements your skin’s tone and texture. Less is definitely best here. When you find the right foundation for your skin, it will not be a “blanket” to cover up who you are, it will be a filter that brings focus to your eyes, hair, lips, etc. A light reflecting cream foundation is what I have found to be the most complementary to the maturing skin
  2. Prime your skin before foundation. This is an inexpensive step that is worth every penny. A good primer will provide a “spackling” effect and really smooth out the skin’s tone and texture. It allows the perfect foundation to set on top of the skin without settling into cracks and crevices.
  3. Stop with the dark eyeliner. Lining your eyes softly, with a soft brush, using cream or powder that enhances your skin tone and hair color is the way to go. I like to take the darker shades of eyeshadow that I like and softly line under my eyes. It’s very soft and brings focus to your eyes and not to the parts of our eyes we don’t want to highlight. This may be a little unsettling to you if you are used to wearing heavy dark liner, but mark my words, you will get comments about how beautiful your eyes are when you try this trick.
  4. Easy on the concealer/highlighter around the eyes. As our skin matures we lose moisture and we need only a small amount of concealer in the under eye corners, by your nose. Then follow up with a lighter shade under the outer corners of your eyes. Let this area warm up after applying and then blend with a moist blender sponge. Unless your skin is very oily, I do not recommend an oil free concealer. I love a duo concealer that has concealer and highlighter in one container.
  5. Learn the best contouring technique for you. This is an area of focus for a lot of bloggers, influencers and tic-tockers. Ladies, this is trial and error. You will know when you get it right, and when you get wrong. I love helping people with this process, so come in and let me or one of our staff members help you perfect a technique that enhances your beautiful face. Thick coverage is not for healthy mature skin.